Where it All Began
Hi, and welcome,
The World of Health is very important to me.
It All Began With:
I was prescribed vitamins, along with weekly iron and B12 injections. After filling many prescriptions for quick-fix medications, I realized I needed and wanted to be more healthy. After much research and my extreme love for tea leaves & health. I founded My Hearty Leaf Tea Co. My passion for excellence has driven me from the beginning and continues to drive me into the future of health. We know that every inch of our bodies are important.
For many years I suffered from the discomfort of (sct) and anemia, along with weekly iron and B12 injections, IBS, gut issues cystic acne on my face, I kept a script on hand of doxycyclin and topical steroids) which never really worked *probiotics was not a thing so my gut issuues always occured because doxy is super strong on your gut, I also dealt with mental health disorder issues, generalized anxiety disorder for the majority of my teen, twenties and early 30's.
And then my sister was tragically taken from us (she was a innocent bystander) which did more damage internally and externally. Then I got COVID19 at the start of the pandemic and yep that really did it ( I really couldn't keep it togeether mentally, internally nor physically. I was prescribed many different meds and nothing would help. My body was just resistant to any treatment I was recieving and I had that moment where I was just done with not seeing reults and my medicine cabinet looking like a pharmacy, I knew there was a better way to health. In the fall of 2021 I stated experimenting and learning about different all natural and oraganic tea leaves and their different origins. I got my cottage food license and started selling my hand blended tea leaves and in the end of 2022 I founded My Hearty Leaf Tea Compnay. I always had a love for supplements but due to my medical issues my parents only went the pharamacy route of trying to help me and then in my adult years I continued the tradition of the pharmacy was the answer. I soon started learning more about supplements through my company and got connected with two different manufracturering companies for my tea leaves, supplements and vitamins in early 2024.
From Leaf to Life: I strive for wellness in "Every Sip and Bite" to be as rewarding as possible. Check it out for yourself!